How to apply for voluntary work in a school

How to apply for voluntary work in a school


As you no doubt realise by now, to be fully qualified as a Teaching Assistant the course will require you to obtain some voluntary work in a school.

This may sound daunting at first so we've put together some guidance to help you. Remember, you are offering free help to schools and it is something they always need.

How do you find a primary school to volunteer in?

Have a think about any friends/contacts you already have.

Have you a good relationship with any teachers at your children’s school?

Do you know anyone who already works or already volunteers in a school?

Talk to any of these people, explain what you are looking to do and why and they may be able to point you in the right direction at the very least.

Use a directory such as to find all the local primary schools in your area. You can search by postcode.. so for example if you live in the NG10 area it brings up a list of 19 schools. You can then click on 'info' to discover the website, address, headteacher etc.

How should I contact the schools?

As mentioned above, if you have any contacts, use those first. After that, try every way possible. Email, call, even pop in. The more pro-active you are, the sooner you will achieve your goal.

What should I write/say when contacting a primary school?

Explain exactly what it is you want to do and importantly why! i.e. you are looking to study a Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools qualification and as part of the curriculum you need to be able to access some voluntary work in a school.

Example: I am interested in volunteering to help in the classroom. I am about to undertake the Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Level 3 Certificate qualification and volunteer work in a school is a mandatory requirement.

Schools generally are well aware that volunteer work is required to become qualified as a TA

This immediately demonstrates to the school that you aren't a time waster. You're genuine, serious and dedicated to doing a good job.

If you have any previous experience of working with children in any capacity, let them know. After school clubs, children’s groups, guides/scouts, sports groups.. even activities with your own children.

Let the school know you are passionate about helping children.

Include some information about your schedule, hours you might be available to work (the more flexibility the better).

We're here to help!

If you would like us to check your email before you approach the schools by all means send it to us at and we'll happily do so!.

Final Words…

Remember, your email/letter does not have to be perfect. Any email sent is better and more effective than one not sent at all! Don’t procrastinate, this is your dream, go out and seize it! .