What A Levels do I need for Law?

What A Levels do I need for Law?


The typical entry requirements for a law degree are three A-levels, with grades ranging from ABB to AAA. However, the specific A-levels required can vary depending on the university and the program you are applying to.

Generally, universities do not require A-levels in law or related subjects. Instead, they may prefer to see A-levels in subjects such as English Literature, History, Philosophy, Politics, or a modern language. These subjects provide a good foundation for studying law as they develop critical thinking, analytical, and communication skills.

That being said, studying Law at A Level can help students to ensure it is a topic they wish to study further at degree level and will give them a good base understanding of the subject.

It's also worth noting that many law programs require candidates to have achieved a minimum grade in GCSE English, usually a grade 6 or above.

It's important to research the specific entry requirements for the universities and law programs you are interested in, as these can vary significantly. You can typically find this information on university websites or by contacting their admissions office directly.

We offer a full range of A Level courses that can be studied over two years or 'fast track' over a shorter period.